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  • until the next Le Cure. Get on your bike!
  • Mike Bowers

  • Vétéran
Le Cure Curista Profile - Mike Bowers

Mike has participated in:

  • Mike Bowers

  • Vétéran

Since starting Le Cure, Mike has cycled the equivalent of the height of Mount Everest 1.18 times, and cycled around the m25 2.05 times! That's 10,413 vertical metres and 386 kilometres.

Cycling Experience:

I have been cycling since around 2014 when a foot injury forced me to stop running. I love getting out and about in the Sussex countryside and, when I'm feeling some combination of fit and adventurous, I also love to tackle a few alpine cols.

Biggest Fear:

Forgetting where I am meant to be and when. And the cols.

Reason For Doing This:

Most of us have been touched by cancer in one way or another. The Royal Marsden are doing some amazing work and I want to play my small role in supporting that.

Cols Mike has climbed since starting Le Cure:

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