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  • until the next Le Cure. Get on your bike!
  • Michael Tomlins

  • Vétéran

Michael will be participating in Le Cure 2024 and will attempt to cycle 386 kilometers and climb 10,413 vertical metres.

Since starting Le Cure, Michael has cycled the equivalent of the height of Mount Everest 11.70 times, and cycled around the m25 19.09 times! That's 103,486 vertical metres and 3,589 kilometres.

Le Cure Highlight:

LeCure is built on an amazing cause, in which we all believe, and the people, the Curistas. The highlight is never getting to the top of a col, but the people with whom you share that achievement.

Toughest Moment:

Knowing you'll be doing it again next year!

Top Tip

Enjoy it - slow or fast, you'll get to the top. Just make sure you grab a beer at the end of the day and share the achievement with the other Curistas.

Michael's awards:

Cols Michael will be climbing in the upcoming Le Cure event:

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