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  • Mark Rigby

  • Vétéran
Le Cure Curista Profile - Mark Rigby

Mark has participated in:

  • Mark Rigby

  • Vétéran

Mark will be participating in Le Cure 2025 and will attempt to cycle 326 kilometers and climb 9,955 vertical metres.

Since starting Le Cure, Mark has cycled the equivalent of the height of Mount Everest 2.20 times, and cycled around the m25 4.45 times! That's 19,473 vertical metres and 836 kilometres.

Cycling Experience:

I am an extremely enthusiastic cyclist, still searching for my cycling talent!!

Biggest Fear:

Nearly 9000m of climbing!!

Reason For Doing This:

The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity is a brilliant cause, and the opportunity to combine my passion for cycling with raising much needed funds was too tempting to resist!!

Cols Mark will be climbing in the upcoming Le Cure event:

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