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  • Jerry Tate

  • Vétéran
Le Cure Curista Profile - Jerry Tate

Jerry has participated in:

  • Jerry Tate

  • Vétéran

Since starting Le Cure, Jerry has cycled the equivalent of the height of Mount Everest 1.18 times, and cycled around the m25 2.05 times! That's 10,413 vertical metres and 386 kilometres.

Cycling Experience:

I have done a few silly long cycle rides (London to Cannes, Cycle to MIPIM) since 2017 (pretty much every year) and in between this try to get out as much as I can but not as much as I would like!

Biggest Fear:

Getting all the logistics wrong to be honest. Oh and the mountains....

Reason For Doing This:

I love cycling! And also my Dad died from Pancreatic Cancer so I think the cause is brilliant!

Cols Jerry has climbed since starting Le Cure:

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