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  • Graeme Giles

  • Vétéran
Le Cure Curista Profile - Graeme Giles

Graeme has participated in:

  • Graeme Giles

  • Vétéran

Graeme will be participating in Le Cure 2024 and will attempt to cycle 386 kilometers and climb 10,413 vertical metres.

Since starting Le Cure, Graeme has cycled the equivalent of the height of Mount Everest 3.56 times, and cycled around the m25 6.86 times! That's 31,455 vertical metres and 1,290 kilometres.

Le Cure Highlight:

Finishing a fabulous climb with Sean and Steve.

Toughest Moment:

Day 3 really struggled for a while and then Steve came along and gave some much needed support.

Top Tip

Never be afraid to ask for help or support. It can be very tough going!

Graeme's awards:

Cols Graeme will be climbing in the upcoming Le Cure event:

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