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  • Edward Long

  • Vétéran
Le Cure Curista Profile - Edward Long

Edward has participated in:

  • Edward Long

  • Vétéran

Since starting Le Cure, Edward has cycled the equivalent of the height of Mount Everest 2.75 times, and cycled around the m25 4.09 times! That's 24,348 vertical metres and 769 kilometres.

Cycling to support the doctors/scientists/geeks who do amazing work in the battle against cancer. 5 years ago we had no cancer in my immediate family, since then all hells broken loose.

Le Cure Highlight:

There are always huge highs and lows through the week, but the satisfaction you get after every day is hard to beat. Sitting in the sun (hopefully) with a beer with another 100km and 3 cols ticked off feels great.

Toughest Moment:

Going up the last bit of the Col de Bonnette, it took every ounce of my being. Also having to share a room with my brother.

Top Tip

Bring loads of warm gear to put in your day bag. Expect rain, sleet, snow and sun. Its not a race! pace yourself and take it all in. Ride with loads of different people.

Edward's awards:

Cols Edward has climbed since starting Le Cure:

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