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  • Dan Cullen-Shute

  • Vétéran
Le Cure Curista Profile - Dan Cullen-Shute

Dan has participated in:

  • Dan Cullen-Shute

  • Vétéran

Since starting Le Cure, Dan has cycled the equivalent of the height of Mount Everest 3.72 times, and cycled around the m25 6.54 times! That's 32,913 vertical metres and 1,230 kilometres.

Le Cure Highlight:

In 2014, getting to the top of anything. In 2015, getting to the top of Alpe d'Huez. 2016-2022, managing to avoid having to get on a bike at all. (I blame/am grateful to my kids.) 2023. Ask me in September.

Toughest Moment:

The night before Day 1, trying to sleep when the enormity of what we were about to attempt had suddenly struck me. Don't get me wrong, the mountains themselves can be horrible - I am not, and never will be, a cyclist - but the anticipation is a thousand times worse.

Top Tip

Nothing is anywhere near as bad as you think it'll be, and most mountains disappear eventually if you just keep tapping away. Remember, Le Cure isn't a race, it's a shared endeavour that has achieved incredible things - just by being part of it, you're already amazing.

Dan's awards:

Cols Dan has climbed since starting Le Cure:

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