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  • until the next Le Cure. Get on your bike!
  • Cathy Merry

  • Vétéran
Le Cure Curista Profile - Cathy Merry

Cathy has participated in:

  • Cathy Merry

  • Vétéran Day Tripper

Since starting Le Cure, Cathy has cycled the equivalent of the height of Mount Everest 2.20 times, and cycled around the m25 4.45 times! That's 19,473 vertical metres and 836 kilometres.

Cycling Experience:

Very limited indeed! I own a bike but, as a keen swimmer, I am very much a fish out of water when I'm on two wheels.

Biggest Fear:

Going up hills!!

Reason For Doing This:

When I first heard about Le Cure in 2016 I took my hat off to all the Curistas brave enough to take it on to support the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Three years ago my world was turned upside down with my own breast cancer diagnosis and as I continue to navigate all that that entails, Le Cure has become very personal. For a non-cyclist, it still looks like the craziest challenge I have ever seen but if I can do one small thing to help anyone coming along with a diagnosis after me, I will.

Cathy's awards:

Cols Cathy has climbed since starting Le Cure:

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