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  • until the next Le Cure. Get on your bike!
  • Carla Francome

  • Vétéran
Le Cure Curista Profile - Carla Francome

Carla has participated in:

  • Carla Francome

  • Vétéran

Since starting Le Cure, Carla has cycled the equivalent of the height of Mount Everest 1.02 times, and cycled around the m25 2.40 times! That's 9,060 vertical metres and 451 kilometres.

Cycling Experience:

I’ve cycled a lot for commuting, but never anything like this! Nervous and excited!

Biggest Fear:

Wiping out, dropping out, not being able to complete it … I hope I can and do!

Reason For Doing This:

Because it’s so amazing how you’ve all set this up and raised so much for cancer research, and because Manny is a dear friend of mine. And because it’s always good to have a new challenge!

Carla's awards:

Cols Carla has climbed since starting Le Cure:

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